

01. My beautiful family.

02. Creating!

03. Anything relating to childbirth and the childbearing years.

04. Coffee…always!


content creation


hand lettering


Hi there,


My name is Nicole, I am a doula, photographer, and educator based locally in Vancouver WA. I am a native Pacific Northwesterner - I’m pretty sure rainwater runs through my veins. I am a wife, mother of 3 beautifully wild children, and have a mild (okay, strong) love affair with coffee - how else am I going to keep up with my tiny humans?! 


I found my love for the childbearing year after the birth of my daughter, Grey. She decided she wanted to make an appearance 7 weeks early. My experience bringing her earth-side was traumatic. I felt ill-informed and under supported. My eyes were opened to what childbirth can be like without adequate support and knowledge. My heart hurt for all of the others that had traumatic experiences, and a spark flickered within me. When I became pregnant with my son, Forest, I knew it was time for me to act on my new-found passion working with other new and expecting families.

Working as a doula has been rewarding in ways I could never have imagined. With the presence of the pandemic and policies constantly changing, I realized my help could only reach so far and it was time to fully let my creativity flow. I specialize in portrait, family, maternity, newborn, and birth photography (now that restrictions are lifting!)

As for my creativity…I love to let my creativity flow wherever it may go. My constants are diy projects, hand lettering, photography, and content creation.


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